Sunday, January 20, 2019

Important Steps To Take Before Undergoing Chemical Peels Plano Dermatologists Recommend

By Richard White

A lot of beauty conscious women who refuse to undergo the knife just to look a few years younger prefer to visit medical spas. These establishments offer a number of modern day treatments that can help considerably improve the appearance of various aging signs such as fine lines, wrinkles, roughness and liver spots. There are some really important steps that need to be taken by those who are about to undergo chemical peels Plano dermatologists recommend. Below are some of those that should be kept in mind all the time.

Don't let the sun touch your skin. You need to start steering clear of the blistering sun about 1 month before having a peel. Make sure that between 10 am and 4 pm you are indoors or under the shade most of the time. You may not be able to get all of the facial's amazing perks if you head to the medical spa with sun damaged skin.

Generously apply sunscreen. Since remaining indoors is not possible all the time, it is highly recommended for sunscreen to be applied as necessary. The right one for the job is something that offers sun protective factor or SPF of not less than 30 so that the skin is really protected from the sun's UV rays. Dermatologists say that it is a good idea for a woman to opt for sunscreen that is formulated for her particular skin type in order to prevent complications.

Steer clear of a tanning bed. The sun is not the only one that has to be avoided, but also a tanning bed. This beauty appliance also gives off UV light just like the sun in the sky. About one month before heading to the medical spa, a woman should quit using a tanning bed. The use of a UV lamp, by the way, is also discouraged by skin care experts.

Quit having micro dermabrasion treatment. There are so many trendy facials available these days, and one of them is micro dermabrasion. Approximately 2 weeks before your appointment, sadly, you need to refrain from getting such. By the way, you should not pay for any facial treatment that involves skin exfoliation.

Say no to injections. Beauty procedures that involve needles need to be dodged as well for not less than a week prior to undergoing a peel. This means that having botox treatments is highly discouraged. The same is true with getting fillers. Micro needling, which is a treatment that entails pricking the topmost layer of the skin with a lot of small needles, should never be obtained for at least two weeks before a peel.

Steer clear of hair removal procedures. A week before heading to the medical spa, having treatments such as waxing and application of depilatory creams is discouraged. That's because such can cause skin irritation. Showing up at the medical spa with irritated skin can increase the risk of complications.

Pop an antiviral drug in your mouth. If you are susceptible to having cold sores, see to it that you take an antiviral drug 2 days before the appointment. You may ask your dermatologist to prescribe you with one. Unfortunately, getting peeled is not possible if you have active cold sores.

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