Sunday, January 20, 2019

Herbal Beverages For Back Pain Long Island Locals May Brew And Drink

By Frances Schmidt

Many people who are suffering from achy backs are wary of taking anti inflammatory drugs. It's for the fact that these pharmaceutical remedies are known to cause some unfavorable side effects. There are also many health dangers associated with the intake of these medications, especially if high doses of them are administered for a long time. Luckily, there are so many all natural alternatives available. Below are some herbal teas for back pain Long Island residents may count on.

Cayenne pepper. It's no secret among weight watchers that this spice can help them shrink their waistlines effectively. That's because the popular spice can cause an accelerated metabolism by having the core temperature of the body elevated. Not a lot of people know that fact that cayenne pepper's anti inflammatory properties make it an excellent painkiller, too.

Turmeric. More often than not, joint issues are treated by traditional healers with the help of turmeric. A staple ingredient for cooking so many Middle Eastern and Asian dishes, the said spice is usually administered topically in order to deal with local inflammation. For inflammation that's affecting the entire system, turmeric is best used orally in the form of tea.

Ginger. There are so many problems concerning the digestive tract that ginger can help alleviate so well. Diarrhea, stomach aching, indigestion, heartburn, vomiting and nausea are just a few examples of those. If your spine is feeling achy and swollen, you may actually turn ginger into tea and consume it. Since it is related to turmeric, it also has anti inflammatory properties.

Devil's claw tea. Despite of what it's called, devil's claw is actually an herb that's heaven sent. This is most especially true for people who are being bugged by achy backs, particularly the lower section. Taking it in tea form is known to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Sadly, it is contraindicated for people with digestive tract issues.

Valerian root tea. Most especially if muscle spasms are present, consuming a cup of valerian root tea is a good idea. According to scientists, it is something that can end muscle pain. The said herbal beverage, by the way, is also recommended for people who are experiencing severe stress and intense anxiety.

Chamomile tea. Those who are experiencing mild aches and pains may brew and consume chamomile tea. This herbal beverage is best taken at night. It's for the fact that it can also encourage a good night's sleep, making it beneficial for those who cannot catch some shut eye because of their aching spines.

Make sure that you inform your primary health care provider about your plan on taking herbal teas. This is an important step to take especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from a medical condition. Also, it is a good idea for you to take any herbal product or preparation under the direct supervision of a trusted herbalist.

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