Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Useful And Essential Facts About Teeth Whitening Medicine Lodge

By Carolyn Russell

The process that is carried out on teeth to remove stains and discoloration and to lighten their color is called teeth whitening. This is one of the commonest and most popular dental processes among American people. It is the fact that the process is capable of greatly improving the appearance of teeth that fuels its popularity. This process is not a one-time procedure. One has to undergo this process occasionally for them to maintain the whiteness of their teeth. This is what any teeth whitening medicine lodge is all about.

The enamel is the name that is used in reference to the outer layer of a tooth. Usually, the color of a natural tooth is formed when light is scattered and reflected on the enamel. Dentin is an extra layer of tooth that is located under the enamel. The genes of the individual in question determine how thick the enamel is. Supposing the enamel is very thick, the dentin would be buried deeper and this would lessen its ability to corroded or eaten through.

Apart from the natural color of the enamel, the tooth color may be determined by several factors. For example, the small pores in the enamel can hold stains in them that can change the color of the teeth. The enamel usually has a thin film covering it. This coating is constantly picking up dirt, causing the yellow coloration of the enamel.

Certain habits such as smoking and failure to observe good dental hygiene can also cause the enamel to darken. Drinking dark-colored liquids like cola, tea, red wine, and coffee can also leave the enamel yellow or darker in color. The natural process of aging also makes the enamel thinner while dentin turns darker. This makes teeth to appear less whiter.

A complete whitening process may be able to minimize or totally eliminate effects of darkened enamel. For the whitening procedure to go on successfully, one is required to be well-prepared beforehand. Cavities may reduce the success rate of dental whitening, hence should be treated as part of preparation towards the procedure. Since cavities normally create spaces, the whitening products may pass through.

This process might make enamels of individuals with receding gums sensitive. One can have this procedure done in a dental office or at home. When one undergoes this process in a dental office, the dentist begins by taking a picture of the enamels. The picture helps in monitoring how successful the process is over time. Several questions will be asked by the dentist so that the cause of the staining can be determined.

Cleaning the mouth to remove substances like bacteria and food particles that cause straining is involved in the next step after pictures have been taken. After this, the whitening process begins. Trays that are used to hold the whitening gel are made by the dentist in this process. A reaction between the gel and the enamel occurs hence bringing about color change.

Kits that can be used at home to attain similar results to those achieved by a dentist exist too. One can also purchase over-the-counter kits cheaply and easily. Supposing one opts to have the process done at home, they should speak to a dentist. When performed at home, the procedure takes 2 to 3 weeks.

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