Monday, February 11, 2019

Simple Steps To Successful ABA Pairing

By Shirley Hill

Pairing is a crucial step that therapists working with children do to make sure they are considered as a positive presence for the child so that they can establish trust and control over instructions. However, parents too can take this treatment since they are the ones who give demands at home which are not always pleasant. ABA pairing is vital when dealing with a kid or students with special needs or autism. It helps the individual to associate with you as the teacher. It increases compliance and control on instructions. Below are simple tips you can use to pair with the kid.

Put away the items that the child likes most and only give them access when they ask for them. This is a good way of encouraging them to approach you when they need anything. You will gain control and always give instructions when you are handing out the item. However, avoid disappointing them and losing their trust by ensuring the items are available all the time.

When gaining access to an item, allow them to come to you for the thing or engage in their favorite activity. Avoid giving them this access if they are running away from you or have engaged in problem behavior. You need to know that they can come to you freely without being coerced rather than running away with fear. Reinforce the behavior that you want to see even in the future.

The way you react to your kid will explain a lot about how you feel being with them. Hence, always use a friendly tone and facial expressions to depict that you love being around them. Make this a fun experience for both you and your child by praising them and imitating the way they speak or act. Call them by their names when playing so that they will feel the friendliness in your voice.

Demands can be discouraging and destructive in this process. Instead of demanding a child to do something, use phrases that describe what you want them to do. Follow what they do and do not command them. If you want them to do something, trying describing the fun of doing it. You will attract the attention of the kid and they will end up doing the activity in the end.

Never take an item from the learner when they have it. Instead, use another favorite item to trade what they have. Offer another thing and see if they like it then hand it to them. Let them relinquish the other item at their own will. Exchanging items helps them use other items to avoid satiating on one item for a long time. This will prevent violence and will encourage sharing and interaction.

This activity can take longer especially if is a behavior that needs to be undone. If a kid responds by running away or crying, then it can take longer to mend the relationship and gain trust from the young one. You will always know if you have already paired if they approach you rather than escaping from you.

Patience is a crucial factor that you need to prioritize when you consider pairing. This is necessary if you want the kids to engage in an activity they do not like. With patience, the child will have the opportunity to gain new skills and will be able to interact well with you and other individuals.

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