Sunday, July 22, 2018

These After Care Tips Come Straight From Cosmetic Dentistry Austin Experts

By Timothy Fox

After having your teeth professionally whitened, you are sure to have all the confidence you need to smile a lot more. However, there are certain things you need to bear in mind if you want the amazing results to last for a really long time. Cosmetic dentistry Austin experts highly recommend the after care tips discussed below.

Stay away from drinks with dark colors. Tooth discoloration is commonly due to the intake of artificial fruit juices, coffee, soda and tea. Within three days after having your professional whitening treatment, your pearly whites are highly vulnerable to these beverages. Use a straw if you cannot completely stay away from them.

Also avoid red wine. With all your might, fight off the urge to have a glass of red wine for a few days after having your teeth whitened. Just rinse your mouth with water as soon as you can if the desire to consume it impossible to resist.

Stay away from foods and drinks that are too hot or too cold. Extreme temperatures can actually make your pearly whites expand and then contract. That's bad news because it gives stains the opportunity to penetrate the surface of the teeth.

Steer clear of any type of dark colored sauce. It's true that most mealtimes aren't complete without sauces, but some of these essentials can diminish the results of professional whitening services. Dental professionals say that you should do your best to turn your back on tomato sauce, soy sauce and others for a few days after the trip to the clinic.

Keep away from most fruits, too. There are so many fruits that are not recommended for intake within the next 3 days after getting professional whitening services, experts say. Some of them are blueberries, blackberries and oranges. There's one fruit, however, that you may consume as much as you want, and that's banana.

Cigarette smoking is not allowed. It's no secret that smoking is one of the leading causes of tooth discoloration. That is why this habit is not ideal for anyone who had just undergone professional whitening. According to the experts, the use of an electronic cigarette is fine, although it should be kept to a minimum.

Refrain from using any colored toothpaste or mouthwash. To keep your smile beaming, it's very important for you to have superb oral hygiene habits. However, dental experts suggest for you to stick to toothpaste that is white and mouthwash that is clear as something that has a fancy color may actually leave your pearly whites tarnished.

Before using any whitening product, ask your dentist about it. It can be tempting for you to try to keep the amazing results intact by using commercially available whitening strips and toothpastes. However, do not use any of them without first consulting your trusted dentist as some of their ingredients may actually harm your newly whitened chompers.

Pay your cosmetic dentist a regular visit. Just because professional tooth whitening services can produce amazing results does not mean that your teeth will remain beaming white for the rest of your life. Make sure that you ask your trusted dentist about the next treatment in order for you to keep your beautiful smile intact.

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