Sunday, July 22, 2018

Essential Steps To Take After Having Microblading Langley BC Technicians Provide

By Michelle Russell

The perfect eyebrows can make the eyes pop and the shape of the face appear more flattering. That is why so many women will go to great lengths just to be seen with the most beautiful eyebrows. If you are thinking about having microblading Langley BC technicians are providing, see to it that you follow the suggested after care methods listed below.

Steer clear of putting makeup on the eyebrows for a full week. Go ahead and apply makeup on any part of your face except for those newly treated eyebrows. Even if your makeup has all natural ingredients only, it's something that can still cause an infection. Using makeup can also leave the treated area irritated, slowing down the healing process.

Do your best to keep the area dry all the time. While taking a shower or bath, make sure that those eyebrows of yours do not come into contact with water. Fret not because you have to do this for 7 to 10 days only. So be patient as it won't take long before it's okay for the treated area to come into contact with water once again.

Avoid exercising for a while. If you love hitting the gym, then you may feel down upon realizing that working out has to be avoided for as long as 10 days after the procedure. That's because bacterial activity can strike due to sweating, putting you at risk of having an infection. Any other type of activity that can leave you sweaty has to be avoided, too.

Skip going to the sauna. If having regular trips to the spa to use the sauna is part of your beauty regimen, skip it while your eyebrows are not yet fully healed. It's not a good idea to have them exposed to extreme temperatures. Also, profuse sweating the sauna causes is bad for those newly treated eyebrows.

Do not allow your hair to touch your eyebrows. There are two reasons why this after care tip is so important. First, it's possible for hair to leave the treated area irritated. Second, an infection may strike because those hair strands tend to carry dirt as well as bacteria.

Resist scratching and picking at scabs. During the healing process, it's highly possible for you to feel some itchiness. See to it that you fight off the desire to scratch in order to keep complications at bay. You may also notice some scabs, but do everything you can to avoid picking at them. Fail to do so and you may wind up with scars, some may be permanent.

Put on the ointment suggested by the individual who carried out your microblading. Just in case a particular product is offered to you, see to it that you administer is as directed. This is done to speed up the process of healing and also fend off problems that can prevent the desired results from being obtained.

Protect the area from the sun with the help of sunscreen. Once complete healing is achieved, it's a good idea for you to apply sunscreen on your eyebrows each time you step foot outside the home. Performing this routine can help make the result last for a longer time.

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