Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Few Basics On Wound Irrigation

By Donna Cook

Certain unexpected events can cause one to damage their skin and deeper tissues. Road traffic accidents are among the common ways that people develop wounds. Gunshot wounds are common among people living in insecure areas where crime is rampant. One can also damage their tissues when they sustain burn wounds. Judicious wound irrigation is paramount to ensure that injured tissues heal properly.

In the ideal situation, solutions meant for cleaning wounds should be transparent to facilitate accurate and thorough wound cleansing. They also need to be inexpensive and nontoxic to the injured. Normal saline fits this description just right. It is the typical solution for cleansing. It is an isotonic solution with no toxic contents. One major drawback to its use is the fact that it may not kill any harmful microbes that may be present. Povidone iodine, potable water and sodium hypochlorite are additional options that can be used.

Equipment used for irrigation include syringes, pressure canisters and traditional containers modified for cleaning under pressure. Canisters could be of the piston type or bulbous. They have the advantage of being simple, cheap and efficient.

Pressure applied is meant to thoroughly clean the wound by lifting off all dead tissues that may be stuck on to normal tissues. The pressure can either be continuous or intermittent. It has been shown that there really is no difference in outcome regardless of which method is used. What makes the difference is the continuity of irrigation for the entire cleansing session.

While performing debridement, it is important that both the patient and caregiver are protected from getting infections. Any foreign devices such as cannulas and catheters should be well covered. The eyes and face of the healthcare provider are bound to be splashed on by dirty fluid if protective measures are not put in place. Ensuring that the eyes do not glare directly and close to the wound helps in protecting them against splashes. The face also needs to be well covered by protective masks and gloves. Gowning and gloving are also important in keeping splashes from getting to the skin.

Irrigation is indicated for all types of wounds, initially and after every dressing. Care should be taken when irrigating wounds that are actively bleeding because this stands a risk of dislodging any existing clots. It may also be unwise to actively cleanse tissues in cases where bone, nerves and vessels are exposed.

Sustaining severe physical injury is often very traumatic to the patient. Subjecting them to further trauma is not fair at all. It is only noble that sufficient anesthesia is provided to ensure that they do not complain of pain during the procedure. Depending on how severe the damage is, either general or local anesthesia can be utilized.

Once cleansing is deemed satisfactory, the wound should be dressed using sterile gauze and other appropriate dressing material. Closing up the area primarily with stitches depends on the size of the wound and whether there is an infection or not. Every step should be put down in writing including the type of solution, volume of solution used and irrigation pressures employed.

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