Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Measures To Undertake In Preventing Food Allergies

By Brian Gray

Food allergy occurs in a situation where the immune system is introduced to an allergen. This allergic reaction will always occur to such an individual each time they eat that particular meal. This condition mostly affects those people whose family has a history with this disease. It can start right from the childhood age. Some of the common symptoms include itching, vomiting, diarrhea or even difficulties when breathing. There are various precautions that may be taken in preventing food allergies. Some of the measures that can be used to prevent this condition have been discussed below.

To begin with, the mother should restrict their diet during pregnancy. Babies receive nutrients when they are still in the womb. When expectant, it is important to avoid foods that known to be potential allergens. One should incorporate probiotics in their diet so as to make the infant's digestive tract to be healthy. This is very essential because the chances of giving birth to a child with this condition are very minimal.

The second measure is ensuring the child is breastfed for six months after delivery. This milk has all the nutrients with the required proportions that boost the immunity of the baby. It is also easy to digest into the system thus nourishing the kid and make them be of good health. This helps in preventing the occurrence of these allergies.

Also, avoiding processed foodstuffs is another way of preventing these allergies. Research has indicated that most babies are affected when they consume packaged meals. There are acids which are contained in this foods usually react with the child's immune system. It is good for parents to feed the kids with vegetables and fruits for them to be of good health.

Also, solid foods need to be gradually introduced to the diet of the kids. This should be done at the age of four to six months. When the baby starts showing symptoms of the allergy, the parent should avoid such meals. They should also be given the common allergens so as to make the system tolerant to the foods. This includes peanut, meat, eggs, cow milk and even wheat. This will help to prevent the development of allergic conditions.

Besides, foodstuffs must be properly cooked. Some foods have toxic chemicals that may cause harm in the body. Parents must ensure that the meals are prepared well before giving to the kids. This will help in reducing cases of inflammation in the digestive tract. Such a condition usually results into allergic reactions.

Furthermore, hydrolyzed milk formula can also be given to the infants. There are those kids who are at high risk of being affected by this condition. It is a substitute to breastfeeding for those mothers who cannot breastfeed. It contains nutrients within proper proportions to prevent the allergies. It boosts the immune system making them resistance to food allergy.

Finally, the kids should be given anti-inflammatory elements in the diet. Chronic inflammation in the body results into allergies. It is therefore necessary to give the baby fermented foods so as to improve their digestion system. Also, children should not be exposed to chemicals at home which may block their digestion.

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