Friday, January 19, 2018

Benefits Of Cruelty Free Skin Care

By Sarah Allen

Most of the people across the world do not give a lot of thought on where beauty products and cosmetics usually come from or get tested, before buying them. Nonetheless, today, there has been extensive awareness especially on the subject of testing these products on animals, which could cause their suffering and other effects. Therefore, it is vital to consider Cruelty free skin care products which do not pose any threat to animals.

The first and most obvious advantage associated with these types of products is that they are very beneficial to the animals. Animal testing is regarded to be very cruel, and is also very unnecessary. Additionally, research has consequently revealed that testing products on any animals does not necessarily guarantee that the product is absolutely safe, especially for human usage. The demerits of animal testing thus outweigh the merits, thus the reason to consider products that are utterly cruelty-free.

These cruelty free commodities, firstly, are preferred because of their numerous advantages especially to the animal species. Testing skin acre and beauty products on animals is very unethical, unnecessary, and also very cruel. There is apparently no reason why other species need to undergo suffering, whilst ladies enjoy their beautification products.

Another reason to choose these products is because they usually help even in protecting our environment. Testing the skin care products is very detrimental and negatively affects the environment in various ways. For example, the disposal of chemical products consequently results in pollution especially to the natural atmosphere. Numerous animals are usually bred, tested, and eventually disposed of so that they can produce the cosmetics and other products present in the market. Thus, animal testing products usually produce great quantities of wastes that are very hazardous and not environmentally friendly.

Some of the best products to use are majorly natural with no chemical properties. In most instances, they are made from naturally occurring ingredients such as coconut oil and avocado. Most people will not go for them because they prefer those that are perfumed. It is good to note that perfumes and fragrances are not so safe to use.

Apart from being beneficial to animals, they are also very advantageous especially to the atmosphere or environment. Conservationists critically aver that testing any beautification commodities on animals can be very detrimental and pose adverse ramifications to the atmosphere. Disposing or releasing chemical products can result in pollution and contamination to the surroundings. Animal testing primarily leads to the release of insurmountable amounts of wastages, which are often hazardous and dangerous to the atmosphere.

These products usually have a very natural appeal, and thus are the preferred types especially to people that have great sensitivity to chemicals in their bodies. They are also gentler on skins, and also bring a relaxing effect to the user. Thus, they are of great quality and have positive effects on the user, thus affirming their value and significance.

Therefore, people need to be more vigilant and particular on animal testing products, and avoid endorsing them by purchasing. It is not only unethical, but also environmentally unfriendly. The best solution is relying on cruelty free products for skin care, which will not only protect the skin, but also the environment and animals as well, in equal measure.

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