Thursday, January 18, 2018

An Overview Of Micro Laser Peel Cincinnati

By Richard Sullivan

This procedure is a special kind of radiation that is used to remove a thin layer of skin that is damaged or wrinkled to improve the texture and make the person have a more youthful appearance. It has very superior results because it is usually administered with the extremely great precision of depth. The micro laser peel Cincinnati thus removes the top layer of damaged skin cells which make a person to look aged and tired.

On the course of a treatment, healing makes new cells to grow in the treated area thus the surface becomes new. Therefore, the client ends up having fewer wrinkles than before and his /her skin tends to look healthier with an even complexion. This treatment is usually less invasive and fast, and it is mostly used to reduce wrinkles, treating acne scars, actinic keratosis as well as problems associated with the pigmentation of the skin.

There is a general fear that people usually have towards this kind of treatment because they tend to think that the treatment is painful. Nevertheless, the technicians usually make the treatment must be as painless as they can thus they use numbing skin cream. This makes the procedure must be painless, and most people claim to feel warm sensation after the operation is completed.

This kind of treatment is used mostly for the face, but the hands or feet can also be treated on rare occasions. The treatment is normally a short one thus any busy person can undertake it. For instance, the cream takes 20 minutes to numb the skin then the radiation takes a maximum of 2o more minutes.

After the radiation, the technician will apply cool compresses on the treated area and put you under a post treatment skin care so that you can heal fast and evenly. Therefore, if you are suffering from acne or you have wrinkled skin, this radiation treatment is very effective, and you can regain your confidence.

This kind of radiation treatment tends to leave treated area red when the procedure is done. Then, the area will be red for more four days followed by three days of peeling off the skin. Therefore, a person takes approximately one week to heal completely. After the seven days, the skin tends to look smoother with an even complexion.

There are several other radiation treatments that you can use to treat acne scars as well as reducing wrinkles. Nevertheless, most of the procedures are time consuming which means the healing period will be prolonged. Thus, a person with a busy schedule finds these kinds of treatment to be time consuming thus he/she tend to select the micro laser peel.

The treatment can be a series of two to four skin peeling procedures that may be spaced between six to eight weeks apart. However, these procedures are done to achieve the results that the patient wants hence they can range from one to four treatment procedures depending on the specifications of the client.

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