Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sun Labs Self Tan Lotions Nourishes And Hydrates

By Haywood Hunter

The beautiful bronze tan makes everyone more beautiful and attractive. The skin has a special glow, looks firmer and more elastic, and the body acts slimmer and more attractive. Therefore it is so important to be tanned, especially in recent times. Sun Labs self tan products accentuate your beauty and make you look slimmer and more desirable.

Sunbathing is today associated with many of the problems that you'd rather avoid, including skin cancer. Other issues may not be so serious, like sunburns, but can cause permanent skin changes. Premature aging of the skin, age spots, allergies and other unpleasant phenomena are a direct result of exposure to sunlight. It is so much easier to use Sun Labs self tan instead of risking your health.

Using Sun Labs self tan products can have a healthy and nourished skin and a beautiful bronze color, at any time of year. You will avoid premature wrinkles and unpleasant burns, and yet you will be irresistibly attractive. People very dry and sensitive skin can finally achieve a beautiful sun-kissed complexion. And for all this, a little ingredient called DHA is the most creditable.

DHA is a special compound that is derived from natural sugars, and is approved by the FDA. It is completely safe to use and gives a lovely golden hue. Other ingredients contained in the secret Sun Labs self tan formula allow the creation of a very attractive dark shades. Added moisturizer hydrates and nourishes the skin.

Although the skin has several layers, DHA acts only on the uppermost layer. Given that the skin naturally exfoliates, the effect is only temporary. Color produced by using Sun Labs self tan products mainly lasts for about seven days, and then gradually fades. Using a quality moisturizer every day may prolong the color duration, although it is already contained in every single product.

The whole process of reaction of DHA and skin lasts about three hours. During this period, the skin becomes darker. Given the fact that color requires a certain period of time to fully develop, Sun Labs self tan products contain a color indicator. It gives a dark color that greatly facilitates application.

Some Sun Labs self tan gels and foams have an instant effect. This means that you do not need to wait for three hours. Color can be washable or not, depending on your needs and wishes. For more attractive results, you can use different color enhancer and bronzers. They will beautifully accentuate your complexion and highlight the natural beauty.

Various Sun Labs self tan lotions are extremely popular. Easy application and excellent performance make them top quality products for achieving a bronze color. Therefore lotions are really popular among all users. Sun Labs self tan lotions can be found in some very catchy shades. Darkest shades are the most appreciated ones, especially the over-night version.

The biggest problem with other similar products is the smell that results from the reaction of DHA and skin. The smell is quite unpleasant and annoying to most users. Sun Labs self tan formula solved the problem. Sun Labs self tan creams, lotions and gels smell very nice. They have a lovable fragrance of cherries and almonds which you will really appreciate.

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