Sunday, July 24, 2016

Important Information Regarding Heroin Treatment Richmond Clients Need To Have

By Donna Murray

Heroin is a strongly addictive substance of abuse. Even in the presence of a strong will to stop addiction, many people find themselves relapsing. If you are an individual that is dealing with this problem, the first step towards setting yourself free should be to seek professional help. As they plan to seek this help, there are a number of things on heroin treatment Richmond residents need to know.

Treatment modalities for this condition are broadly divided into two: behavioral therapies and chemical drugs. Although these approaches may be used in isolation, it has been discovered that success rates are highest when they are combined. Drugs are most useful in the initial stages while the behavioral therapies have mainly been adopted for the long term management of the condition. Comprehensive rehabilitation is made up of several stages.

The first step is referred to as detoxification. It has been described as the most intense of the stages as it entails a sudden cessation of drug use. Experts advise that this stage should be carried out within a facility with qualified medical personnel. The most striking feature is the onset of withdrawal symptoms such as a flu-like illness that is associated with chills, joint pains, nausea, nervousness, shaking, nervousness and even depression.

Other than withdrawal symptoms, the patient is also faced with problems of dependence. They find it quite difficult to carry out any activities if they have not used the drug. These two problems are the reasons as to why the drugs that are chosen to manage chemical withdrawal must have an effect that is similar to that of heroin. Methadone is among the drugs that are most effective for this use. Others include buprenorphine and naltrexone.

The next step of therapy is the treatment proper. It entails counseling at individual and group level. Individual therapy has the advantage of providing an opportunity for the addict to open up about the problem. The therapist will take the opportunity to advise them on mitigative measures that can be undertaken at individual level. In group therapy, addicts with the same problem get to share their experiences and coping skills with each other.

The use of residential home settings for the therapeutic process is among the modern trends of treatment. Such an arrangement allows the patient to enjoy recreational facilities of a home as they continue with recovery. Sporting activities such as swimming, cycling and running are usually made available so as to encourage patients to take part in physical activity. This has been shown to reduce the recovery time.

The final step of treatment is called the maintenance stage. It is initiated as soon as one leaves the treatment facility and may last for months or years depending on response. The therapist gives periodic appointments during which they can conduct assessments with the aim of establishing whether or not progress is being made. Treatments may or may not be modified depending on the findings.

Although drugs may also be needed, the primary therapy during the maintenance step is behavioral therapy. The aim of this treatment is to safeguard the gains made and to prevent relapse. Positive reinforcement of desirable behavioral patterns is done and negative reinforcement of behaviors likely to cause relapse also done.

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