Sunday, March 2, 2014

Top Chiropractor In Peabody, MA Helps Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sufferers

By Julio Riess

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects a sufferer's hand and wrist. The condition is caused by impingement of a nerve, often in the sufferer's wrist. As the tissues swell, they passage becomes tight and symptoms begin to be experienced. With help from a Peabody chiropractor, the individual is often able to experience relief.

The condition has received additional attention recently due to the suggestion that it is linked to jobs requiring repeated hand motion. While such jobs can make the problem worse, anyone may develop the condition, no matter what their occupation. Any condition that makes the size of the inside of this tunnel smaller or causes swelling of tissues inside can lead to the symptoms.

This opening serves as passage for the median nerve into the hand. This nerve is responsible for sensation to a human thumb as well as the three fingers nearest it. A branch of the nerve also controls the muscles in one's thumb that cause the opposable motion which allows one to grip items such as a pencil.

Many different factors lead to an individual developing this condition. Arthritis may lead to swelling and pressure. Certain tasks involving force and poor wrist alignment can also add to this condition. Working with vibrating machines can also increase the swelling. While a single risk factor may not lead to development of symptoms, long term exposure may increase the chances. In addition, lifestyle choices, including caffeine intake, smoking and obesity may be related.

The building pressure on the nerves interferes with blood supply to the outer covering. Eventually the supply may be cut off. Patients who seek early intervention have the best chances of full recovery as scar tissue does not have time to form. Chiropractic wrist adjustments provide more room through the passage.

The non-invasive therapy offered by chiropractors encourages the body to heal naturally. Healing nerves help to resolve pain and stop the numbness. Lifestyle changes can help to prevent the injury from occurring again.

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