Thursday, March 13, 2014

Can Tuscan Olive Oil Help Your Bones?

By Rob Sutter

There are various health benefits to consider with Tuscan olive oil, which is a point that very few will be able to overlook. Your immune system may be helped by this oil, which is a given considering that there are various antioxidants to consider. Is it possible, though, that you can make your bones better - or at least maintain their structure - with this oil set in place? After a recent publication by InSerbia News came to light, it seems like there is quite a bit of evidence to support this.

InSerbia News put forth an article that went into detail about Tuscan olive oil and the way in which it can help one's bones. The University of Madrid did an experiment and, from what I have gathered, there is one particular component that is most responsible for this. Authorities the likes of Bellucci Premium can tell you that the benefits which can be seen here are plentiful. However, if you are talking about bone health, I think it is worth noting one component before any other.

The study showed that those who took in more olive oil for their diets were more likely to have greater levels of osteocalcin in their bodies. Octeocalcin is, in essence, a protein that is responsible for the maintenance of bone strength in the long run. It's clear that this protein is useful but how can be attributed to olive oil, one has to wonder? The article said that one possible theory would be how insulin resistance is prevented, which would play into bone health. What about the Mediterranean diet as well?

The University of Athens determined that the Mediterranean diet, judging by its content, could prove to be useful in the way of reducing osteoporosis risk. There are many different components to take into account, since the oil alongside fruits and veggies, to name a couple of examples, can be considered. Bones cannot be so easily changed but they can be protected through certain means. Food that is loaded with nutrients can prove to be useful, which is a point that should probably go without saying.

Is it possible that Tuscan olive oil can come into play in order to make your bones sturdier and healthier in general? It seems like this is the case but if one would like to boost this type of benefit that much more, I think it's worth making note of the various components associated with the Mediterranean diet. From what I have seen, the many products involved are healthy and can stand to help the body in a number of ways. Who's to say that maintaining bone health can't be one of them?

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