Sunday, November 24, 2013

All Natural Skin Care Products Are The Top Choice Of Many Customers

By Angela Briggs

All natural skin care products appeal to many individuals. In most cases, this is because consumers believe products of this kind are the best choice for a healthy complexion. Avoiding harsh ingredients and specific chemicals is also a goal of numerous individuals, as such ingredients offer little benefit and may have a negative effect. Below are some tips that will assist consumers in their search for the most appropriate brands:

The first thing a person should be aware of is how to read the labels of various formulas. Typically, the ingredient listed first on the list is the one found in most abundance in the product. Therefore, it is to this ingredient one must pay special attention.

Those who spend extended periods of time in direct sunlight should select brands that contain Proflavonol-T, Proteo-C, and regenisomes, as these substances moisturize sun-damaged skin by penetrating each individual pore. Another ingredient that is helpful in this regard is photosomes. However, formulas containing the latter are most effective when used at night.

Many dermatologist also recommend blends that contain vitamins A and E. This is because such vitamins fall into the category of antioxidants, and for this reason can help one to maintain healthy skin cells, and prevent additional damage from exposure to excessive sunlight or harsh chemicals. Thankfully, products containing these vitamins are easy to locate.

If possible, one should always select products that are free of parabens. The latter are synthetic preservatives that are used in personal care products such as creams, lotions, facial masks, shampoos and deodorants. They are thought to work against the beneficial ingredients in such formulas. The US FDA is currently investigating whether or not parabens are linked to certain cancers, and therefore such products should be avoided until this research is completed.

In addition to selecting the healthiest blend, consumers should also do everything possible to protect their complexion from anything that may cause premature aging. For example, to achieve a glowing complexion, one should follow a diet rich in fresh produce. The latter contains high amounts of antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on one's skin.

Ensuring that one stays properly hydrated is also important. Consuming enough water is one of the best ways to make sure premature aging does not occur. Water assists the body to flush out toxins, which ultimately enhances the person's complexion.

Selecting formulas that are truly natural is an activity that certain consumers find challenging. The reason for this may be that the labeling of such formulas is not highly regulated. Rather, manufacturers have a certain amount of leeway when listing ingredients. Fortunately, most manufacturers try to adhere to the same regulations followed by food manufacturers. As a general rule, brands that are labeled as all natural or organic should only use synthetic ingredients in approximately 5 percent of the formula.

As the demand for all natural skin care products continues to increase, many manufacturers will probably expand the choices they offer in this category. This will allow consumers to eventually find the ideal product for their specific needs. Those who are unsure which cream is best should speak to a qualified dermatologist before making a final selection.

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