Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Various Ways To Work As A Child Psychologist And Therapist NYC

By Annabelle Holman

If someone wants to work in a career dealing with children, it is important to have an interest in helping them. Being a psychologist can be such a position. The child psychologist and therapist NYC is in a good location to help them in the educational system, the mental health system and in researching ways to improve those systems.

His or her education encompasses all aspects of their development from the time they are born until they reach eighteen. The factors under consideration are gender roles, language and sexual orientation. Some points studied are the all important personality development and social development.

When it comes to evaluating and treating children who are not yet talking sufficiently takes special patience. Communication is crucial to facilitate understanding. A child under three is not generally able to use a large vocabulary to share the information necessary.

An abused child may have to rely on communication in the form of art therapy. Sometimes anatomically-correct dolls are used and the child shows what happened by positioning the dolls. This might be the only way to communicate the fact that sexual abuse took place.

A school system employs one or more psychologists to work with student populations. They would be in elementary school or high school. All children in one school system may have only one psychologist at their disposal. This does not allow sufficient help in many cases.

The needs of special children must be served first. Some are developmentally delayed and need special services for that reason. Others are gifted and must have advanced classes to sufficiently challenge them. Without them, they grow bored and do not reach their full potential.

These psychologists will work with clients and provide therapy helping them deal with educational difficulties of either type. Still others deal with the abuse or trauma that is preventing them from performing well in school. Each child will be placed in the optimal learning environment for him or her.

A number of tests are available to use to evaluate childrens learning needs. If a behavioral issue is preventing that learning, it can be dealt with after an assessment is performed. It requires helping each child to understand how to approach the tests he or she is going to take.

He or she earns a doctorate after many years of education. This prepares him or her to work with children. After the education years, there are two years of clinical internship in which there is supervision of the work. After that he or she can be licensed to practice.

After that he or she can pursue a career working in a school setting. Other positions are in hospitals, mental health clinics and court systems. They diagnose, test and counsel all the children who are in need of it.

There are also positions for those who want to conduct research. They study the processes one goes through to acquire an education. They study childhood development. Imagination affects the education. The child must learn to perceive reality as opposed to what is imaginary to be prepared to learn, for example.

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