Thursday, August 7, 2014

Exploring A Santa Cruz Dispensary

By Annabelle Holman

There are a number of dispensaries in California. One of the most famous cities, Santa Cruz, south of San Francisco has several. It is for this reason visitors may want to read Santa Cruz dispensary reviews. Reading reviews can be good for a number of reasons. Whether to determine the best strain for a particular ailment, or where to shop in a specific area, reviews can often provide a great deal of insight and information.

Santa Cruz is a popular destination for fun in the Sun. It is also a popular destination for California Medical Marijuana patients. Having been reported has having some of the most interesting dispensaries in the State. Patients visiting the city may want to be sure and visit the Santa Cruz boardwalk, the many coffee shops, ice cream parlors and restaurants on Pacific Street and the Santa Cruz diner while in town.

Patients, following local laws and guidelines are often okay. Others, who do not can often have difficulty if and when found in the possession of marijuana, medical or otherwise. It is also important that patients carry a California patient ID card at all times.

While Washington and Colorado passed legalization in the 2012 election, California failed to do so. Many legalization supporters are still in shock at this result. Supporters now just hope that Colorado and Washington have set a precedent for legalization in California and other States in 2016. It is currently reported that next in line for legalization are most likely Alaska and Oregon.

Colorado and Washington are providing reports that the surplus is up and crime, down. It is hopeful that many others will follow suit. Only time will tell when it comes to whether marijuana will ever be legal again on a National scale. There are many who believe it should have never been made illegal in the first place.

Tobacco may still be more prominent in public than marijuana, though this seems to be changing. E-cigs are responsible for some of the absence of tobacco smoke in recent years. Overall, there are still many more whom smoke tobacco rather than marijuana. As many States are now putting E-cigs in the same category as tobacco in relation to smoking laws, there will most likely also strict guidelines when it comes to recreational use in public venues.

Even though there is a 50 percent plus majority for legalization, each State has to pass its own laws. Colorado and Washington have taken the lead on this by passing legalization in 2012. The only issues with legalization at the moment appears to be in relation to driving under the influence. As with alcohol, when arrested for DUI, it can take massive amounts of money, time and possible jail time or community service to have the charge removed.

When traveling, it is important to know the laws of each and every State one may visiting on the journey. This is especially true for medical marijuana patients. An online search of laws for each State will provide this information. Individuals planning on visiting Colorado or Washington in the near future may want to contact the State to request updated information.

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