Friday, July 12, 2019

How Do You Secure A Drug Free Working Environment

By Larry Stone

Maintaining a safe and generally productive working environment is not that easy. Owners as well as the management should work hand in hand in implementing rules and regulations which will ensure such goal. This especially with the battle against intoxication or taking recreational drugs while at work since it can generally affect the workflow on the floor. Better yet, organize some drug free workplace interventions.

There is actually nothing wrong with using drugs if it is merely for the sole sake of medication since that is entirely the purpose of such things. However, once a person use it for ill purposes then it merely affects their personality, their performance and outlook in life. That right there can mess up even the peaceful working area into commotion or violence.

You should also understand that maintaining a drug free area at work will need strict compliance and establishment of policies as well as programs which are all helpful in achieving that. You could include prevention in misuse as well as abuse of tobacco, alcohol and of course drugs.

And it is not enough to implement rules, with programs you have set for the whole team, you could at least promote health safety and wellness to keep them out of such path. For instance intervention services for those employees you have with their families, other recreational activities during free time such as sports and the likes.

Having a clear policy establishing should also help in making this possible and of course you will have to allot certain attention and time in checking up the compliance with these particular actions. Making it clear what misuse the company is trying to prevent should as well be covered. So you could at least include alcohol and tobacco to your list.

Now, before you focus on the actions you have for them, make sure to lay out proper information regarding the new policy. Inform them and make them involve in the making so that, they are aware of every changes and they will not go complaining for these and making disputes which could lead to bigger problems.

And one of the things you should highly consider when opting for solution is assessing the workplace as well. You have to understand that sometimes, the stress within the four walls in the office is the reason why employees resort to such activities. You cannot ignore that possibility if you merely wish to prevent drug abuse within the company.

Also, when you narrow down that company have mistakes and malpractices as well, try to at least correct that one out to somehow help the workers cope up faster. Now, make sure you also collaborate with people and professionals who would at least help in allowing a quick progress.

Make sure to educate all employees properly so that they are guided with the changes and they understand your reason for doing it. Then, supervise their progress and reaction to it. Create an employee assistance programs for those who you find struggling and make the transition easy for them. Last, conduct drug testing activities.

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