Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Correct Head Position For Sleep Apnea Helps Prevent Complications

By Diane Howard

It's very important for the brain and other vital organs of the body to be supplied with sufficient amounts of oxygen all the time. There is a type of sleeping disorder that can keep that from happening, and that's why it is regarded by the medical community as a very serious matter. Maintaining correct head position for sleep apnea is so important in order to keep at bay its various complications.

The medical condition is known to cause a lot of stress to the body. It's for this very reason why the blood pressure can become elevated. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is something that can wreak havoc on the arteries, heart and various other tissues and organs. It can also considerably increase a person's risk of suffering or even dying from either a heart attack or stroke.

Having constantly increased blood pressure is also extremely damaging to the kidneys. Unlike the liver, those bean-shaped organs cannot heal themselves. This is the very reason why sooner or later end-stage renal disease may strike. In order for a person who is suffering from it to be able to survive, he or she should undergo dialysis on a regular basis or get a kidney transplant.

The sleeping disorder, according to health authorities, may pave the way for heart disease. It's a terrifying problem most especially because it is known as the leading cause of death in the US and other countries, too. The problem with heart disease is that there are no prescription drugs or medical treatments that can reverse it. However, its progression can be prevented or slowed down.

Certain factors can make it extremely difficult for you to manage heart disease effectively to keep it from progressing. Taking the necessary steps in order to deal with them is very important. Not getting enough exercise, eating unhealthy kinds of food, smoking cigarettes, consuming alcohol excessively, being constantly stressed and having sleep apnea are some of those factors.

The serious condition is also known to dramatically increase a person's risk of battling diabetes one day. It's for the fact that failure to obtain high quality sleep per night can give rise to insulin resistance. According to health authorities, insulin resistance is the very reason why sugar accumulates in the bloodstream. It's no secret that having elevated blood sugar is the reason why diabetes strikes in the first place.

No one should take diabetes very lightly. That's because it is something that cannot be treated by any modern-day medication or procedure. So in other words, it is a chronic disease. It's a must to put diabetes under control in order to prevent its many different complications such as nerve damage and foot amputation from coming into being.

Unnecessary gaining of weight is a problem that may stem from sleep apnea, too. It can be blamed on mood swings and increased hunger associated with not getting enough shut-eye every single night. Health authorities say that being obese or overweight is also something that can in fact trigger or worsen the condition.

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