Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Binge Eating Recovery Period

By Douglas Wallace

There is nothing wrong with having the odd binge on a tub of ice-cream every so often. However, when this becomes a habit and it takes over your life, you really need to look at the situation carefully because you will struggle to cope during the day. Fortunately, there are experts in the field who can help with binge eating recovery.

This is what one often calls emotional eating. You eat when you are stressed, depressed, anxious or sad about something. You eat fast and you eat a lot at one sitting. At the time, you are just focusing on the food and you forget about everything around you. However, as soon as you are finished tucking into the food, you find that you are sitting with your same old problems.

Unfortunately, they don't realize that they are destroying their body at the same time. The fact that they are feeling a sense of comfort only lasts so long. This is why it turns into a habit. The eating eventually turns into something that you just don't think about. You go straight to the pantry upon returning from work or college. You eat fast and furiously. It obviously feels good at the same time, but afterwards, the negative emotions set in.

Therapy is an excellent idea because patients learn different ways of coping during this time. Of course, it is not a process that one learns overnight. It comes from a lot of effort and hard work. There are practical exercises which patients take part in. They will also learn to talk about various underlying issues which can lead up to this type of disorder.

Therapists are specialized in this area, especially working with young people who need to deal with this in the early stages. Many people go on like this for many years and this can be devastating. When this continues, the individual will find that they develop stomach problems and, later they may even develop leukemia.

The first stage to recovery is to realize that this is actually life threatening. You could even develop blood cancer. Serious problems will develop with your stomach if you continue to put yourself through such tortue. Emotionally, it is a real problem as well because one may find it is necessary to find a bathroom after eating a gourmet meal at a restaurant.

This is something that the therapist will talk about initially. They will also introduce practical ways in which a routine can be useful. Often, clients are not aware that this is actually a life threatening disorder. They will mention the other dangerous conditions, such as cancer, which develop as a result.

They know they need to change their lives around. However, they are also aware that it takes much effort. They don't necessarily want to get out of this comfort zone. However, it is a choice that one has to make. Continuing to live life with a disorder like this will mean that you are not in control.

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