Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Yoga En Espanol New York Ny Is Your Mindfulness Solution

By Patrick Kennedy

By now just about everyone has heard about mindfulness and all the wonderful benefits it has to offer. However, knowing something is good for us and actually making it a part of our life is two very different things. One of the best ways to make it a regular habit is by combining it with yoga en espanol new york ny and changing your life with it.

Mindfulness is a very simple practice that improves stress, relaxes you and helps you to think more clearly. By combining careful thinking and deep breathing you can bring a sense of awareness to your life that enables you to deal with things in a much better way and empowers you.

Meditation and mindfulness are very similar, or even part of the same process. However, meditation has somewhat of a bad reputation as it is associated with sitting uncomfortably in silence for hours on end. Mindfulness is a more accessible version, especially now that there are phone apps that can support your mindfulness journey.

Yoga is known as beneficial for flexibility, but it has many more positive qualities than that. When practised fully, it is about the union between body and mind. By combining the many different aspects of yoga, from poses, breathing and meditation to a series of philosophies, you can completely change your life.

The best way to reap the benefits of anything is to make it a habit and this is especially the case with mindfulness. You only need to spend a few minutes a day on your practice and if you are combining it with yoga then it is even easier as it is built right into the practice. Set aside a few minutes each day when you can be alone and focus on yourself.

Finding the time for this kind of thing can be difficult, but all you really need is a few minutes a day. Even just taking two minutes, wherever you may be, will offer you benefits. Whether you are waiting at the doctor's surgery, watching TV at home or even sitting at your desk at work, sit for a couple of minutes, breathe deeply and try to empty your mind.

Yoga is all about doing no harm. For some people this means helping other people, for others it means eating a strictly vegan diet. What this also means is looking after yourself. This is vital and mindfulness enables us to do this by giving us permission to spend a little time on ourselves without worrying about anything else.

While this is not something that everyone is drawn to, yoga and mindfulness is about taking care of yourself and truly knowing who you are. This will benefit all areas of life and increase your confidence and self-esteem, which can only be a good thing. It also teaches you how to manage the stresses of life in a better way, which is something that nowadays most people struggle with. It might not be a magic solution, but over time it can bring a sense of peace to your life.

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