Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Successful Christian Women Weight Loss Program That Includes Reduction Of Stress

By Debra Thomas

It's no secret that being overweight or obese is brought about by eating unhealthy foods and having a sedentary life. Not too many people, however, are aware of the fact that these two are not the only causative factors. Health authorities confirm that there are so many other issues that can trigger the appearance of excess pounds. Having an extremely stressful life is an example, which is something that's quite common these days. Opting for a Christian women weight loss program that focuses chiefly on stress management is ideal for individuals who are unable to slim down due to their toxic lifestyle.

Being constantly stressed is bad for the figure because having high levels of stress hormones within you paves the way for excessive fat tissue formation. This is especially true in your abdominal region. It's exactly because of this why a stressed person like you tends to sport the so called pear shaped figure that is unsightly and dangerous to the health, too.

Health professionals say that you may end up with heart disease if your midsection is wide. That's because fat tissue situated in your belly area can in fact manufacture inflammation causing hormones. According to cardiologists, inflammation going on within can actually put your cardiovascular system in grave danger.

Type 2 diabetes is another serious health concern that can stem from the accumulation of fat tissue in your abdomen. It's important to note that there is no available cure for it. Once you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you have no other choice but to embrace the fact that you will deal with it for as long as you're breathing.

There are so many other nightmares that can stem from the presence of excessive fat cells in the belly and being obese or overweight in general. According to scientists, a person's risk of developing certain forms of cancer is increased. It's also not unlikely for arthritis to affect certain joints in the body such as the ankles, knees and lower back.

Evidently, it's of utmost importance to reduce stress most especially if the elimination of excess pounds is a goal. In this fast paced world, it's virtually impossible to have a stress free life. It's a good thing that stress can be dealt with in a number of ways. For female Christians who wish to minimize their stress in order to fend off various health problems, reading the Bible is highly recommended.

There are so many passages in the Bible that can encourage stress reduction. Being aware that the individual is infinitely loved by God can help relax the body as well as mind. After all, reading the Word of God itself most especially at the end of an exhausting day is an effective stress buster.

Don't forget the importance of staying away from a sedentary life and unhealthy eating. Evidently, these are sloth and gluttony that are part of the seven deadly sins. For a Christian female like you to slim down effectively, make sure that you pair regular exercise and healthy eating with stress reduction.

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