Saturday, February 2, 2019

Reputable Folsom Hair Salon Lists Down Care Tips For Bleach Blonde Locks

By Joseph Cooper

Bleach blonde locks rock and they remain a trending style that is in the beauty world to stay. If you have opted to follow suit and get your hair bleached, you need to also understand the cost of maintaining the magnificent appearance of your tresses. What makes ultra-light curls breathtaking is the simple fact that they draw attention to ones facial features and this should make it easier for you to boast of your good personal style. A dependable Folsom hair salon can offer you proficient stylists who can team up with you to keep your bleached locks strong and healthy.

The need to change your hair care routines or possibly do some upgrades should not be underestimated. Your efforts will go a long way in reducing the changes of your hair getting damaged. There is much that you must do in between seeing your stylist for a professional service.

When locks are bleached, the cuticles expand to allow oxidative agents to dissolve the natural pigment. Because cuticle layers will be dissolved cortex will be exposed, meaning that it will be more vulnerable to breakage. Bleaching removes the outer cuticle and this can lead to lack of moisture. Your locks will feel more dry and brittle and this is why you must routinely use masks and hydrating conditioners. There are awesome products that can assist in restoring the natural moisture balance of your tresses.

Getting the edges trimmed will also be important. A proficient stylist can identify strands with split ends and get them trimmed to prevent the tear from traveling upwards and reaching the root. You must protect your tresses from fraying for them to remain healthy and strong.

Washing hair is good. This helps to remove oil build-up and dust. Even so, you should avoid washing your bleach blonde tresses on a daily basis. Shampooing also strips the hair follicles of essential oils and grease that this will further rob the strands of the much-needed moisture. For you to keep your locks properly hydrated, you should only wash them not more than four times each week.

A color application service will boost the curb appeal of your mane. You should, however, embrace that this will also make your locks fragile, making them more susceptible to needless damage. For you to further protect the curls, you should not depend on hot styling tools such as hair dryers, curling wands, tongs and flat irons.

It can be challenging to tame the mane, especially when you cannot use heat-producing styling tools. In case you badly have to use such tools, first apply a heat protectant spray. The idea is to create a barrier between your tresses and the heat. A competent stylist can provide recommendations for products that you can use to make DIY styling easier.

A poor color application job can attract all kinds of issues. Getting the initial application job impeccably done is hence a matter of paramount importance, regardless of the hair color that tickles your fancy. Take the time to do a deep research for the finest local stylists that can provide top rated continuing services.

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