Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Brief History Of Naturopathy And Treatments

By Steven McDonald

In the field of alternative and holistic medicine, there are a number of options. Some of these include, reflexology, Reiki, radionics, phrenology, parapsychology, osteopathy, homeopathy, eugenics, crystal healing, Christian Science, chiropractic, acupuncture, acupressure and Naturopathy. With the exception of a few which have proven effective, most of these are still considered to be on the fringe of Western medicine.

When it comes to naturopathic, it is one which employs a variety of pseudo-scientific applications which are often considered natural or non-invasive. Considered to be self-help, the techniques and ideology are based on vitalism and folk medicine. For, those working in this area often recommend individuals avoid following Western applications and treatments in favor of natural medicine.

Practices which naturopathic providers recommend avoiding include surgery, vaccinations, drugs and medical testing. While this is the case, there is currently a strong push for children to become vaccinated against communicable diseases as has always been required for public school. For, measles and other illnesses, if not caught early can often be deadly.

Even with the high threat that measles and other communicable diseases can often be deadly, especially if not caught early, many parents still avoid vaccines. While, if a child or adult were to have a busted appendix, avoiding surgery is most likely the worse decision one could make. Whereas, most of the applications used in natural medicine have not gone through safety tests or been proven effective by the scientific or medical community.

These are just some of the reasons that the practice has often been considered harmful and ineffective by the mainstream medical community. Whereas, the lack of safety testing has also resulted in ethical questions being raised about the practice. While, a number of medical professionals often consider those providing alternative and holistic options to be charlatans practicing what can only be known as quackery.

While there are some talented and trained practitioners in the area, there have been others which have been tried in a court of law for issues which developed as a result of the practice. In most cases, those being tried have been found guilty of committing a criminal offense. As a result, there are some countries which now prevent naturopaths and naturopathic practitioners from identifying as medical professionals. As a result, a number of alternative, holistic and naturopathic providers now self-identify as a primary health care providers instead of medical professionals.

The practice began sometime around 1902 and remains popular in many areas of the world. Most likely, the popularity of the practice relates to the basic premise that the human body has the ability to heal over time. Naturopathists and others in the holistic health community often base this belief on the life force energy, or chi which most believe is inherit in each individual.

Most consultations with these providers include a review of past health issues, current lifestyle, physical attributes along with questions about emotional and mental health. In addition, most require a physical exam in which the provider can obtain height, weight, bone structure, muscle strength and any skin conditions which may be present at the time. For, these individuals often work to heal the entire body rather than one issue at a time.

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