Thursday, January 17, 2019

To Reduce Risk Of Osteoporosis Due To Menopause Hormone Therapy Boise ID Is Recommended

By Arthur Green

One of the most serious complications that the cessation of ovulation and menstruation can bring is osteoporosis. Women who are already in the menopausal stage are at high risk of developing this often debilitating bone disease. To considerably lower osteoporosis risk as a result of menopause hormone therapy Boise ID is often recommended by doctors.

Called HRT for short, the said treatment involves the administration of certain hormones. Estrogen is usually the one that is given. However, at times it is provided together with another hormone referred to as progesterone. Regardless which hormone is administered, the fact remains that the treatment aims to reinstate proper levels of hormones inside your body.

It's no secret that there are all sorts of symptoms that are associated with being in the menopausal stage, many of which can be annoying. Some commonly reported ones include mood swings, sleep problems, weight gain, increased facial hair, baldness and vaginal dryness. Definitely, hot flashes and night sweats are some of the most nagging symptoms experienced by up to 80 percent of all menopausal women, health experts say.

Menopause is also known to come with some risks. Something that can leave you alarmed is osteoporosis, a serious disease of the bones. It is basically about the thinning and softening of your bones. Because of the said weakening in the bone structure, a fracture is likely to happen. Every bone in your body may become affected by osteoporosis. However, there are some that are more prone to becoming fractured. They are your hip, spine, wrist and shoulder.

Many different osteoporosis risk factors are in existence. Leading the list is being in an advanced age. Health authorities confirm that individuals aged 50 and above are prone to ending up with osteoporosis. Having a relative who is diagnosed with the bone disease is also a risk factor as osteoporosis can be passed from parents to their offspring. Individuals who smoke and consume lots alcohol are at risk as well. The same is true for people whose diets are lacking in calcium rich foods.

Being in the menopausal stage is also regarded as a risk factor. Scientists say that such is due to a decline in the levels of estrogen. Especially when combined with other risk factors, the chance of a menopausal woman developing the bone disease is rather high.

One of the ways to fend off osteoporosis is by means of HRT. By increasing the levels of estrogen of a woman who is undergoing the said treatment, her risk of developing osteoporosis can be considerably reduced. Certainly, it's still important to pair HRT with a diet that contains calcium rich foods as well as regular exercise.

Sadly, just because you are at risk of osteoporosis due to being in the menopausal phase doesn't mean that you can undergo HRT. Some women are not regarded as candidates for the treatment. They include those who are at risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack, heart disease and breast cancer. Especially if the risks of HRT outweigh the benefits, it's a good idea for you to ask your doctor about your other options.

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