Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Correct Head Position In Sleep Apnea Can Assist In Warding Off Complications

By Andrew Wright

It's not just your partner that can suffer extensively from your snoring, but yourself as well. This is true most especially if you are afflicted with some type of sleeping disorder. According to specialists, keeping the right head position in sleep apnea, which involves being on the side, can help maintain an open airway. By keeping this tip in mind, it's possible for you to fend off some associated complications. Below you will find some of the most serious of them all.

Elevated blood pressure. An imbalance in the hormones is responsible for high blood pressure associated with a sleeping problem. High blood pressure that's poorly managed can cause damage to your blood vessels eventually. Sooner or later, it can affect the different vital organs, too, and they include your heart and kidneys.

Raised heart disease risk. According to the World Health Organization, the leading killer all over the globe is heart disease. Aside from poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, high levels of stress, excessive alcohol intake and smoking, suffering from a sleeping disorder can also make it strike. The fact that the blood pressure of someone with sleep apnea is likely to be elevated only increases the risk of heart disease considerably.

Irregular rhythm of the heart. Feeling that your heart is beating irregularly can indeed be terrifying. Doctors explain that it's nothing serious most of the time. However, it is a different matter entirely if you are diagnosed with a problem concerning the circulatory system because having irregular rhythm of the heart is regarded as a stroke risk.

Having type II diabetes. Experiencing sleeping problems can leave the body less responsive to insulin. This can cause the levels of sugar in the bloodstream to become elevated. There is this possibility of it turning into type II diabetes. This metabolic disease, doctors explain, is something that can give rise to even more complications.

Accumulation of unwanted pounds. Experts confirm that a sleeping disorder can encourage unwanted weight gain. It has something to do with hormonal imbalance. Also, lack of enough shut eye can turn the individual into an emotional eater, which can definitely increase his or her risk of becoming overweight. The problem with having excess pounds is it can make the sleeping problem worse. Indeed, a vicious cycle that's hard to escape may happen.

Digestive system issues. So many people who are experiencing sleeping problems also encounter an array of issues related to digestion. Acid reflux is the leading complaint, which can cause irritation of your entire esophagus due to excess stomach acids. It can be particularly troublesome to suffer from acid reflux at night because it can make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Sleep apnea is something that needs to be taken seriously, and that's why someone who has it should pay a specialist a visit. Many different complications may be experienced as a result of it, and most of them can endanger one's life. To keep further problems from striking, the said sleeping issue has to be managed effectively.

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