Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Health Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet

By Melissa Foster

It has become popular to avoid eating foods that have been cooked or processed. The reason for this is that cooking or processing foods is believed to destroy natural enzymes and nutrients. People who embrace this way of eating process their foods in other ways such as soaking, juicing, sprouting, fermenting and dehydrating them. A raw food diet has been embraced by many individuals who find that it gives them plenty of energy and restores their health.

People who follow this way of eating often experience health benefits. More dietary fiber improves their digestion and prevents them from becoming constipated. The fact that they do not eat baked or processed foods means that many unhealthy snacks with high fat and sugar content are eliminated. It is easier to maintain an alkaline balance in the body when eating in this way and this helps to reduce inflammation which is the root of many diseases.

Those who enjoy this lifestyle benefit from the consumption of nuts, fresh vegetables, fruits and seeds. Vegetables are not cooked but processed in other ways. One of these is the process of fermentation which produces foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut. They use cold-pressed oils and milks and butters made from nuts.

Some people still eat eggs, meat, fish and grains but they do not cook them. Others do not eat these foods at all. There are some dangers that come with eating these foods uncooked as they may be contaminated with bacteria. Some other foods avoided by people eating this way are alcohol, tea, coffee, any dairy products and juices that have been pasteurized.

Substituting bacon and eggs for breakfast with a green smoothie is a good place to start. It offers many nutrients from ingredients like spinach and almond milk and gives a good burst of energy. Another breakfast to enjoy is soaked oats with berries. Many delicious, nutritious salads can be eaten at lunchtime with ingredients like fruit, nuts and avocado upping the nutritional content. For dinner, portabello mushrooms are filling and tasty when stuffed with nuts and veggies.

Making a gradual transition from eating cooked foods is better after having made a decision to embrace this lifestyle. It is also best to check with a health professional first. Easing into it can make it easier to maintain. If an individual feels terrible all the time after making such a change, it may not be the best option for him or her.

Eating in this way means that weight usually drops off. This has many benefits but too much weight loss is unhealthy. It is also better to lose weight gradually than too quickly and its easier to sustain.

Grains, eggs, meat and fish contain vitamin B12, iron and protein which is essential for good health. These foods taste better when cooked and not eating them could lead to deficiencies in these nutrients. Some people still eat these foods raw but others choose not to eat them at all. A lack in vitamin B12 can severely damage the health so it may need to be supplemented. Sufficient iron and protein can be obtained from non-animal sources.

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