Monday, July 23, 2018

Reliable San Francisco Dentist Suggests These Remedies For Gum Inflammation

By Patricia Brown

There are so many things that can leave the gums swollen and at times bleeding as well. They include hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, smoking cigarettes and having terrible oral hygiene habits. Those who are suffering from gum swelling may follow these tips provided by a reputable San Francisco dentist.

Gargle with lukewarm salt water. Bacteria and the resulting inflammation can be neutralized with salt. That is why you may gargle with lukewarm salt water for up to 5 times a day if your gums are tender. All you have to do is dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. By the way, refrain from swallowing any of it.

Allow 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to remain in the mouth. There's a solution for gum swelling straight from India, and it's known as oil pulling. Such can be done by placing a tablespoon of coconut oil in the mouth and swishing it for up to 20 minutes. Through this simple strategy, swelling can be reduced by driving bacteria away from the gums.

Use baking soda for relief. While it's true that it is a common cooking ingredient, the fact is baking soda is also a well known solution for gum tenderness. What you need to do is combine a teaspoon of it with a few drops of water. The goal is to come up with a paste. Massage the paste on the affected areas of your gums, and then rinse off after 10 minutes.

Try a paste out of turmeric powder. Other than baking soda, turmeric powder is another well known solution for inflamed gums. This popular spice for cooking Asian and Middle Eastern dishes can be combined with a few drops of water. The resulting paste should be applied on the problem area. After about 10 minutes, gargle with water.

Masticate a pair of cloves buds. Most spice racks have a bottle of clove buds in them. For controlling gum inflammation at home, a couple of clove buds may be placed in the mouth and chewed. Allow the juice to get into contact with the swollen part of the gums. Another effective home remedy is applying a little clove oil on the gums.

Massage a small amount of aloe vera gel. Individuals who cultivate aloe vera in the garden have quick access to an effective remedy for swollen gums, and it's aloe vera gel. Once harvested from a leaf, the gooey stuff has to be applied on the gums. It should then be washed off with water thoroughly after 5 minutes.

Eat foods that contain vitamin C. According to dentists, vitamin C is a nutrient that's so important for the attainment of optimal gum health. That is why you should consume lots of vitamin C rich foods if you are prone to having gum issues. Some of the best food sources of the said nutrient include green leafy veggies, oranges, papayas, kiwis and mangoes.

Ditch smoking cigarettes. There are simply lots of negative things that can happen to the smile of someone who smokes. Bad breath, discolored teeth and swollen gums are some of them. Further, experts say that the habit can also increase risk of cardiovascular disease as well as lung cancer. Anybody who smokes should quit the habit immediately.

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