Monday, April 16, 2018

For The Best Laser Skin Wrinkle Treatment Atlanta GA Doctors Stand Ready

By Deborah Butler

Physical beauty has always been important to humans. Odes and poems have been written and wars have been fought for and on behalf of exceptionally beautiful people. Today, magazines and society pages still create the impression that physical attributes are the key to success and social recognition. To this end many people spend a small fortune on procedures, cosmetics and even surgery to improve their looks. With laser skin wrinkle treatment Atlanta GA residents try to fight off the signs of ageing.

This procedure uses lasers to carefully resurface specific areas, especially on the face. It is very effective in minimizing the visibility of lines in the face, especially around the eyes. It can also be used for removing age spots and shallow scars caused by acne. Other blemishes are also often treated successfully but it is important to understand that the procedure is not a quick and easy route to looking younger overnight.

The procedure is performed by both medical and beauty professionals but prospective patients should be very careful. It is better to consult a doctor, preferably a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist, before making final decisions about opting for resurfacing. Not all patients will benefit from this procedure and a doctor can also make sure that medication used by the patient will not impact upon the success of the procedure.

Treatments of large portions of the face may take up to two hours, but in most cases sessions last no longer than 45 minutes. The treated area has to be covered by bandages and it is the responsibility of the patient to clean that area for the next ten to twenty one days at least four times daily. This will help to prevent infection and scabs from developing.

The procedure is considered to be safe, but patients must expect some swelling and some discomfort. Patients are advised to apply ice packs. Many patients also experience itching or a stinging sensation, but this is normal and will disappear after a day or two. Patients must expect the skin at the treated area to dry and peel approximately one week after the procedure.

The treated area will remain hyper sensitive to the sun for up to one year after the procedure. Patients need to avoid such exposure and if they do venture outside they need to protect themselves by wearing a hat and by applying sun block. This sensitivity to the skin is one of the main reasons why experts advise their patients to have the procedure performed in the fall or in the winter.

Choosing a practitioner to perform the procedure should be undertaken with circumspect. Inexperienced practitioners using out of date equipment can cause a great deal of damage and discomfort. Patients must make sure that the chosen practitioner is not only properly trained in performing the procedure, but also in the use of his equipment.

Many people will go to great lengths to look better and younger. There is nothing wrong with this desire. However, it is important to understand that no procedure or preparation can produce miraculous or permanent results.

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