Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Tribute For The Red Ribbon Week Campaign

By Carolyn Lee

There are no people who had live an easy life. As a fellow human, you must have known that. No matter what part of society they must have come from, they too had their own troubles and suffering. Hence, it is not your placed to give up and rely upon reality to fancy effect of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

However, take in mind that for your own sake and those people surrounds you, you need to take action to get rid of this irresponsibility. Nobody can take any actions without your participation. It is time to faced the reality and join the battle with by joining the red ribbon week campaign. Surely, you must hear over and over again what will be the possible effect of these things on your health but what you must need to consider is the effect it entails to your surrounding.

Getting out might not be easy. However, you shall understand that no one ca resolve this issue but that individual who are involved with it. Your life is more than that. The world is more than that. Do not limit your horizon with short and fancy imagination. There is more to you that you could ever imagine.

However, these users are surely taking an easy way out of their problems. They choose to live in their imagination while leaving all important reality behind. That really applies especially to drugs. No matter how much dosage you take, all you keep on doing is filing fake memories. Imagination fabricated by your own senses.

Unfortunately, that is not how the world works. However, the important thing that you must know is that it has its own beautiful side too. A fate that it is only you who can discover. Nothing will change by running from reality. What you might have seen in your eyes while using that substance are just lies. It is not too late to change. To help you with that, here are the things worth evaluating on yourself.

Dreams. Everyone has a dream. It is too late to say that you give up on it. You can only complain once you have done everything you could. As for now, while still alive, you should chase it. As you may see, giving up on it means nothing will be left of you.

Real family. They can be anyone. They could be your mother, father, siblings, lovers and friends. When you realized their presence and how much they care about you, you will understand your mission to protect them. Some people might have doubts when it comes to the genuinely of their family but you will realize it once you feel their presence while you are down on your feet.

God. Ideology and This will help you have a conscience. You need not devote yourself and go to any church just to feel it. As long as it is rooted in your heart His presence, you will surely bound to change and correct wrong to right.

Having a purpose is what makes a man continue living forward. No matter how hard the future ahead nor how many times you swim in mud, you should stand up. There are things that only you can do. Therefore you must not waste it. Let the world recognized you for that.

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