Sunday, November 8, 2015

Learn About K-Laser Solutions With Altamonte Springs FL Chiropractor

By Lonnie Hahne

Many individuals prefer chiropractic methods when it comes to alleviating serious pain. One reason is that no medication is used that might cause addiction. One valuable component is K-Laser. It is complex. Basically, it uses laser to promote healing as one of the ways Chiropractic Care in Altamonte Springs helps clients.

Prior to any action being taken, your chiropractor will do a full evaluation of your injury or condition. You will be asked about the onset and intensity of the pain. Your spine will be examined both physically and via an x-ray.

Any pain-relieving devices such as laser are investigated and regulated by The United States Food and Drug Administration. A low dosage of infrared laser light is used to reduce inflammation and promote the healing process. The expected end result is, of course, the reduction of pain. Technically, the term for the procedure is photobiomodulation.

Chiropractors offer a method that alleviates pain without reliance on any intrusive or pharmaceutical assistance. Many people are leery of becoming addicted to pain pills. The focus is on the spinal column and how it can be subluxated, meaning misaligned.

When a subluxation occurs, the vertebrae may compress one or more sensitive spinal nerve roots. The way spinal adjustments bring about pain relief is to reduce that pressure against the nerves. When the pressure is reduced, so is the pain it causes.

Lasers have been used by chiropractors for nine years. Their purpose is to alleviate pain as they promote healing. The laser has different classifications and wavelengths. They are used by other professionals for pain relief. For a more intensive explanation you should feel free to question your chiropractor about it.

When you have severe pain, it does not matter if the cause was an automobile accident or a fall down the stairs. What is important is what you do to relieve it. Your chiropractor will devise the appropriate plan for your rehabilitation. It may include a combination of laser, spinal adjustments and massage.

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