Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Discover How A Kent WA Chiropractic Office Helps Alleviate Back Injury Pain

By Jay Dy

A healthy back plays a critical role in quality of life. Millions of Americans suffer with back pain caused by accidents that strain muscles, sprain ligaments, damage joints, and rupture disks. Kent chiropractic care offers natural healing solutions without the need for prescription pain medications or invasive and risky surgery.

Chiropractors do not believe in taking a "one-size-fits-all" approach to health care. Every individual who visits a chiropractor undergoes a custom care plan after careful examination by the health care professional. Some people respond better to certain chiropractic care techniques while other people respond better to other techniques.

Spinal adjustments eliminate inflammation, reduce pain, and restore normal joint function. Although there are dozens of adjustment techniques, most chiropractors will spend most of their time using less than a dozen of them. All of them involve applying a specific amount of pressure with the hands to areas along the spine where the vertebrae and disks are misaligned.

Stretching the spin is a traction therapy technique called spinal decompression. This procedure sometimes takes place on a traction table. Decompression is helpful for guiding herniated discs back into place. Stretching lowers the pressure in the area surrounding the damaged disc. This environment encourages increased blood flow and allows healing nutrients to reach the damaged tissue.

Some chiropractors use an Activator Adjusting Instrument instead of their hands to provide localized force to specific areas of the spine. This spring-loaded device acts so quickly that the muscles cannot resist the force by tensing up. Many chiropractors believe this helps speed up the natural healing process.

Individuals with back pain benefit from seeing a chiropractor most when they make healthy living choices in other aspects of their lives. A chiropractor can offer exercise and diet advice to enhance the results achieved by the healing methods used in the medical professional's office. Caring for the whole body can lead to a speedy recovery.

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