Thursday, July 31, 2014

Understanding The Responsibilities Of Celebrity Gynecologists

By Imelda Reid

Given the careers they lead, celebrities face a very tough and complicated life when it comes to protecting their privacy. Even though it sometimes works in their favour by bringing them positive publicity, it also sometime complicates their careers when rumours are spread due to unfounded leaks. For that reason, celebrity gynecologists need to go an extra mile to maintain the privacy that these celebrities might need.

As much as doctors are expected to maintain a high level of secrecy of their patients medical condition due to the vows they are bound to having celebrities for patients become more complicated as they have people following them around and would therefore need help in hiding their session in order to avoid speculation that may arise from them visiting these practitioners. They also should allow them to use it to their advantage if they need to gain publicity.

There have been various cases where these misconceptions have been wrongly interpreted and people are made to believe that a certain celebrity is pregnant or probably fighting a certain ailment. To some extent, the freedom of expression has been abused as people especially on the internet have a tendency of making their blogs and websites popular in order to get better rates by spreading bogus rumours.

The idea of treating a celebrity can be overwhelming at times especially if the doctor is a huge fan of this individual. With this, one needs to get a doctor who stands by professionalism codes and will not be afraid to ask questions or share any results no matter how bad they may be. It is easy to want to tell the patients what they want to hear and not what they need to hear.

Just like most women would say, paying the gynecologist a visit is never pleasant especially since it not like any medical check up as one has to expose their private business to the doctor who are men in some instances. It is for this reason that most people stick to one gyno as it is enough having one stranger occasionally seeing your private business; therefore, some women opt to go with their partners to these checkups.

Male gynos have been biased by a few individuals who claim that they can never understand them like female ones do just because they undergo the same experiences. This can be acceptable only if the doctor is a jerk in which case there are female ones who are also jerks. These claims have skewed basis as it is like stating that doctors who have not been diagnosed with cancer are not qualified to treatment cancer patient.

Owing to the requirements of the job, gynos often see weird things which are bound to confidence and can never be revealed. This becomes challenging when dealing with celebrities as there are lots of people who would go to extreme heights just to get this information and present to the world. It is for this reason that having someone who knows what they are doing in this regard is important.

As its known, conducting a pap smear require the doctor to insert some medical object in the genital of the patients which in most cases draws unwanted sexual pleasure. In this case especially if the doctor is male, they may be tempted to disregard the ethics of the job and extend the moment of pleasure which is considered unethical as it is taking advantage of patients who may have not anticipated it.

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