Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hermosa Beach, CA Chiropractic Office Provides Natural Solutions To Knee Pain

By Arthur Albao

If you suffer with knee pain, you are a not alone. This is a very common problem today, and a chiropractor is not only qualified to take care of back or neck problems, but also joint concerns. The modern day chiropractor helps patients every day with a wide variety of bodily ailments, and your Hermosa Beach chiropractic doctor is there with natural and safe knee therapy.

When you first see the chiropractor you will need to fill out new patient paperwork, so try to arrive a few minutes early for your appointment. Your first visit includes a detailed examination of the knee that is causing you problems. You also will receive x-rays, and other tests might be required.

The chiropractor may touch your knee and move it about in different positions. This is done to see which parts of the knee are causing your pain. Chiropractors also check out feet, legs, back, and hips. These parts of the body can have an effect on the knees and may contribute to some types of knee conditions.

Knee pain may be from arthritis, injury, or muscle strain. Once the exact cause of your condition is determined you can begin to receive natural and safe therapy to help you find relief. For example, if there is inflammation or swelling, you may receive ice or ultrasound therapy.

The way that you walk or stand can have a large effect on the health of your knees. For example, poor posture habits might be the source of your pain. Some people turn their feet in our out while walking (under or over-pronation) and foot orthotics may be beneficial.

Your Hermosa Beach chiropractor undergoes extensive training in muscles, bones, and tendons, of the body and knows how to help you. Often times, joint mobilization therapy stretches tightened muscles and help with knee pain. Many patients respond well to chiropractic adjustment, as it can relieve pressure on the legs and knees. If surgery is an option, your chiropractor can recommend an orthopedic surgeon.

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