Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Austin TX Chiropractic Office Provides Sciatica Relief Solutions For Sufferers Of Leg Pain

By Lakisha Curtsinger

The sciatic nerve is a very large nerve that has a major effect on the body. Sciatica is the condition where the sciatic nerve becomes injured, either by irritation or inflammation, due to constant stress on the back or a sudden trauma. This condition often causes sharp shooting pain to run down through the lower back or legs. An Austin Chiropractor can provide sufferers of sciatica with relief from their painful symptoms without resorting to invasive techniques.

Leg pain caused by irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve endings can be relieved through chiropractic solutions. These involve therapies that are non invasive and drug free. The aim of a chiropractor is to find and address the underlying cause of the sciatica, as opposed to prescribing pain medications for temporary pain relief.

Constant or intense pressure upon the sciatic nerve leads to the pain and other symptoms most familiar to sciatica sufferers. Soft tissue therapy, called myofascial release, helps to loosen muscles, making them more flexible and mobile, while also improving the body's alignment. Once the pressure has been taken off the nerve, the pain subsides.

Another chiropractic therapy that is effective with sciatica leg pain is cold laser therapy. This procedure involves using low level lasers to heal soft tissue that have sustained injury, which in turn helps to reduce inflammation and alleviate the stress upon the sciatic nerve.

Massaging tight muscles to loosen them and improve their flexibility is another effective technique used by chiropractors. Massage therapy is applied to the lower back and affected muscles to help relieve sciatica pain.

Symptoms such as pain in the hip, buttock, leg or foot, as well as numbness or muscle weakness, are common indicators of sciatica. The natural, yet effective, solutions of a chiropractor in Austin, Texas can help sufferers manage their symptoms and better cope with their pain.

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