Friday, March 14, 2014

Why So Many People Do Yoga In Temple TX

By Gwen Lowe

One just has to visit a bookshop or do a simple internet search to find out that millions of people have a need to improve themselves on one level or another. There are thousands of books and videos on the topic, each offering a unique formula toward happiness and fulfillment. Maybe that is why so many people practice yoga in Temple TX. They want to improve themselves and they have found a simple way in which to achieve their aims.

Asana, as this approach or method is properly called, is often misunderstood. Many people think that it is a form of religion, while others think it is a fitness system or a specific method for meditation. In fact, it is all of these but it is much more besides. Asana is a very large collection of different methods and practices that all aim at achieving unity between the body, mind and spirit of the individual.

Nobody knows the exact origin of Asana. What is known, however, is that a Hindu philosopher, Vivekananda, was the one to introduce it to western society. It gained immediate acceptance and immense popularity. In fact, the number of people trying Asana still grows yearly. Just in the USA there are more than 20 million followers.

Some people think that the foundation of Asana is based upon a series of stretching exercises. However, stretching and very specifically defined bodily poses form only part of the bigger system. These stretching exercises and poses aim to improve the balance of the body. In addition, they increase the strength and flexibility of the student. The different poses are also used by teachers to demonstrate specific spiritual truths.

The list of benefits to be gained from practicing Asana is a very long one. Because there is never any form of competition between students, they are able to progress at leisure. Nobody is ever pressurized to learn new techniques or poses. The exercises can be performed by almost anyone and of any age. Even disabled people can master most of the exercises in some form.

It is interesting to note that many empirical studies have been conducted to ascertain the medical value of Asana. Indeed, there are many. On a psychological level Asana has proved to be of extreme value to those suffering from various forms of depression and anxiety. Those suffering from chronic pack ache and asthma also benefit and even cancer patients are said to do better once they take up the philosophy.

It is easy to get started. Classes are offered in almost every city and town. There are also numerous books that can help almost anyone to start. In addition, several excellent internet sites offer video material and detailed instructions. There are also various online forums where it is possible to ask questions and get advice from experienced practitioners. Beginners must just keep in mind that there are numerous approaches to Asana.

Asana does not strive to convert people to any specific belief system. It can be enjoyed by anybody, regardless of faith or creed. There can be no doubt that it offers numerous benefits and it is no wonder that millions of people practice it on a regular basis.

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