Friday, March 7, 2014

When To Change Your Contacts

By Chet Sandeksi

It's hard to tell exactly when you should change your contacts. The reality of the situation is that a set of contacts won't last forever. You have to constantly clean them while you're wearing them and even that only lengthens their lifespan for a short time. For this reason, you need to have a comprehensive vision health insurance policy in place.

No matter what the level of vision loss, one of the options for corrective lenses available to many are contact lenses, or contacts. Contacts are worn by millions of Americans to help them coup with their vision impairments yet there are still many individuals who have yet to consider contact lenses as an option for their personal needs.

As you continue to wear your current contacts, you have to make it a point to clean them on a regular basis. You should put them in a little case with the proper contact cleaning solution. It's tempting to want to set aside this solution in the hopes that you can clean your contacts with water. In reality, you have to invest in the contact cleaning solution because it gets the job done right.

One of the first, and the main advantage that many people think of when they think of wearing contacts over regular eye glasses, is purely cosmetic. Many believe that they look better wearing the unnoticeable contact lenses than if they were to wear their eye glasses, although recent trends in fashion have brought back eye glasses as a part of overall fashion.

But whether or not a person wears contacts to avoid wearing glasses, there are still several other benefits of contacts that many people do not often think of. First and foremost, contact lenses move with the eye, as opposed to regular eye glasses that simply try to cover the entire field of vision by placing a lens close to the eye.

By being able to move with the eye, a contact lens allows for a more natural field of view by the wearer and likewise enables the corrected vision to extend to the peripheral vision of the individual. Similarly, due to the contact being on the eye, the wearer does not have to deal with their field of view being obstructed by the frames of traditional eye glasses.

Occasionally, people decide that they just want the vision benefits for whatever reason. They understand that their eyes are having problems and they need something that will help them get past these issues. You will unfortunately have to deal with the consequences when you fail to take care of your contacts in a satisfactory fashion.

Because contact lenses attach painlessly to the eye itself, many active persons prefer contacts over eye glasses. Eye glasses can be cumbersome and an overall annoyance to people who are participating in sporting events or other physical activities as well as run the risk of being broken, lost, or otherwise damaged; all of which contribute to general use of contacts in such activities and not adapted eye glasses.

All of the feelings of embarrassment that you might have need to go out of the window. Your doctor is someone whose sole purpose is to take care of your eyes. They won't judge you and the experience will be much smoother than what you anticipated.

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