Saturday, March 15, 2014

Straighten Your Teeth And Improve Your Smile

By Harry Izzo

Some people always look nice in photographs. Others wonder why they didn't close their mouth during the shot. They may just not understand how to smile for the camera or they are self-conscious about the condition of their teeth. Either way you look at it, if misaligned teeth bother you, you can easily have been straightened.

There is not one teenager who is not conscious of their looks. At that age they want to fit in and look good to their friends or on camera. We older folks also feel the same about our appearance. We know how teeth can be a strong determinant in how we are perceived by others. That is where a dentist comes in.

Dental braces are commonly used to correct a person's bite. Every patient has his own unique situation, so what is right for one patient may not be suitable for another. You and your dentist can decide on the treatment that is right for you.

To straighten the teeth metal braces is what's usually prescribed. They are a good solution for most teenagers. Teenagers have time on their side and metal braces are a good solution, because of their youth. Adults don't have that kind of time, so they want a faster solution. Dental braces need to be worn anywhere between one and two years. After they are removed, dental retainers are used until your teeth are positioned correctly.

Dental braces make the wait worthwhile. Think of the kids you knew in high school who wore them and compare that to how great they look today.

If your teeth are chipped and you want to straighten them, then perhaps dental veneers are a good solution. Veneers are thin shells attached to your teeth. Once they have bonded, they will look, feel and function like your own original teeth. However, they are only temporary; they are normally replaced every 10 years.

The new trend these days is invisible dental braces. They act like retainers; they align your teeth and are removable. They are just as effective as metal braces for straightening your teeth. You may want to visit your local dentist for more info on how they work.

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