Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dallas GA Chiropractic Office Helps Slip Disc Sufferers

By Kurt Saniel

There are intervertebral discs located between the small bones of the spinal column. If they were not there to cushion these bones from each other, they would rub together. As the Dallas GA Pain Management Chiropractor will confirm, this can cause serious pain.

The soft, jelly-like substance contained in each disc is like a little pillow. When the fibrous outer layer is damaged, the result can be hurtful. The condition can be disabling.

During the first appointment, a chiropractor will do an evaluation to determine the cause of the hurting. This will help in planning care that will alleviate it. It may begin with a series of questions.

The possible cause of the condition is important to note. How long you have been experiencing the hurt is relevant. The severity of that pain is the main concern.

The medical background of a client will be noted. The back will be examined physically. Reflexes are assessed and muscle strength tested. There might be a lack of feeling along one of the nerve paths.

Factors as seemingly unimportant as poor posture can have an effect. However, additional tests may be needed to complete the assessment. An x-ray or MRI might be required.

When the evaluation is complete, a plan for care will be arranged. A series of gentle spinal adjustments is commonly implemented with successful results. Exercises to improve flexibility may be suggested to do in the home.

The age and general health of a client are taken into consideration when devising the plan. Although one case can be similar to another, the type of care needed may differ widely. It is only the trained eye of a chiropractor can accurately see what each person needs.

The spinal adjustments used to lessen the pain of a herniated disc are gentle. In some cases, it will be reduced after a short time. Of course, each person progresses at a different pace. Discuss expectations of how soon you may expect alleviation of the condition that is impacting your life.

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