Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How To Use A Sun Tan Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Before all, it should be mentioned that a sun tan lotion is referred to any type of moisturizer or oil that is used for sun exposure. These products were created to reduce the risks of getting burned by sun, but leaving the possibility to bronze the skin. Before using a sun tan lotion from this category, it should be know that its utilization will not offer a maximum protection in front of sun rays.

The protection level that is coming with sun tan lotion products from this category is usually under SPF 15. This is because these have the goal to offer a minimum protection from sun rays, allowing a gradual tanning at the same time. Due to the low level of protection against the sun, the sun tan lotion should not be used on kids or those having a light color.

When compared with a traditional sunscreen product, the sun tan lotion is having the role of protecting the skin to be damaged by the sun. Sunscreens will act both on the surface layers of the skin, and underneath as well. Products containing high concentrations of zinc or titanium oxide will offer maximum protection, blocking the sun rays action.

SPF protection for a sun tan lotion can start from 5 up to 8, but will never be higher than 15. Some of these lotions do not contain sunscreen ingredients at all. But the majority will help to obtain a faster tanning, due to the inclusion in the composition of a substance known as L-Tyrosine. Studies have showed that this ingredient stimulates the production of melanin.

The accelerating substances from a sun tan lotion will allow the skin to tan faster, comparing with the cases when a sunscreen product is used. This acceleration of tanning is caused by the stimulation of melanin production. Again, is important to remember that for longer exposures, the sun tan lotion is recommended to be replaced with a sunscreen product having a high SPF.

There is a variety of ingredients that can be included in a sun tan lotion. Therefore we can read in the composition about tea oil, copper, green tea and not only. As these lotions are also having the role to hydrate the skin, many of them are containing hempseed oil, a rich moisturizing. A hydrated skin will remain smooth and healthy in front of sun rays.

When exposing the skin for long periods of time under the rays of the sun, this can become dehydrated. Therefore, a proper sun tan lotion can prevent situations of getting sun burn, maintaining the skin smooth and healthy. In general a sun tan lotion and a classic moisturizing will contain the same substances responsible for hydration, excepting the alcohol that can damage the skin exposed to sun.

When the skin is exposed for long periods to sun, it is recommended to replace the sun tan lotion with a high SPF sunscreen. A sun tan lotion will allow a faster tanning, but it will not prevent damages that can be caused by sun rays. For this reason is important to remember that a higher protection is equivalent with a low risk of damaging the skin.

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