Thursday, November 21, 2013

How Self Tanning Airbrush Sprays Are The Best Solution To Achieve A Tan

By Haywood Hunter

Risks of cancer aside, much of the public is still determined to turn their bodies into golden embodiments of beauty. Many only care about the moment and will do whatever it takes (despite the dangers) in order to procure the best looking tan in all the land, even if it means leaving their skin in ultimate disrepair. For those who wish to be beautiful and stay that way, well into the future, self tanning airbrush sprays may be the solution you're seeking.

A lot of people have, and still do, use UV-free tanners in order to beautify themselves previous to important occasions. However, there are quite a few people who desire to be brown permanently.

Sunless tanners have become an integral part of the beauty industry. With the threat of skin cancer looming over the heads of many tanning enthusiasts, a great many of them are turning away from the sun and embracing dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Dihydroxyacetone may sound like scary stuff, but there is no need to fear. DHA is a plant extract, a simple carbohydrate, that's been used for decades to safely color the surface of the skin.

There are many formulations of tanners available over-the-counter that will get the job done. However, many people who have tried these products have been greatly disappointed with the results. Being turned orange is a common complaint among people who try to tan at home, which is why a lot of them prefer having their bodies airbrushed by a professional.

Developing a tan by laying in a machine designed to essentially cook the skin is still a popular way to go about it, but for those who are on a crusade for beauty, you might want to think twice about this. When you tan by exposing yourself to UV rays, the color that's created is your skin's way of trying to protect itself from radiation. There is no need to torture your skin this way when there's a safer alternative, one that will actually benefit the skin rather than destroy it.

You simply cannot escape the fact that baking your body in the name of beauty will someday lead to an appearance that you'll probably not be too happy with. It's almost impossible to look and feel young while watching fine lines take up residence on your face. Age may not be something that can be avoided, but you can slow the process by taking care of your skin and protecting it from the sun.

It also takes quite a bit of time to develop a tan the old-fashioned way. "Working" on one's tan, means spending days visiting the spa or sprawling yourself out on the lawn. An airbrushed tan takes minutes to apply and just one application gives you the same results as several sessions spent under the sun (or baking beneath bulbs).

Men, women, and even children can all feel safe with a self tanning airbrush glow. If you've spent all your life avoiding the sun because your skin is more prone to burn than it is to tan, an easy resolution to that problem is airbrushing.

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