Thursday, November 7, 2013

Find The Nicest Teeth Whitening Experts Near You

By Max Lincon

The art of teeth whitening has been around for many centuries and there numerous methods used to attain the otherwise elusive natural smile. People have tried both the natural as well as artificial means and little success has been achieved. One of the major problems is that people tend to address the result but not the causes of the discoloration.

With the changing lifestyles and feeding habits, the tooth enamel becomes prone to discoloration as a result of continuous consumption of foods and beverages landed with caffeine. On the other hand, smoking is also another known cause of tooth color changes. There are some genes which are responsible for yellowing, which is completely natural.

Some brown or yellow ones can be as a result of drinking water which is not purified or occur naturally doe to some gene factors. Whatever the cause of color changes, there are many products that purport to make teeth whiter and choosing these can be hard task altogether. The bottom line is to avoid foods with spices and turn to strawberries and apples which are ideal fruits of eradiating these stains.

Maintaining a good oral health by use of the right toothpastes and avoiding food which are prepared with spices can change the color of your teeth. There are also some affordable methods that you can use including bleach strips for the less sensitive enamel or application of gels. These might not be permanent solutions but they bring back your natural smile. If your budget allows, laser ray and LED methods are recommended but the procedure has to be done by a specialized dentist.

Gradually making your teeth white has it own downside as the process tends to weaken the enamel. This is more pronounced if you use pastes that are chemically engineered and are abrasive. There is also the option of using dental gums which help in erasing dental stains. There work well if you chew them after drinking or eating.

There are some reported cases where continuous quest to make the email white results in weaken the surface making the tooth prone to other opportunistic infections. Use natural remedies and pastes is the best way to go as most modern toothpastes are chemically engineered and may lead to some undesirable side effects.

When it comes to stain removal, avoid those harsh substances which you purchase over the counter. It is important to seek a medical practitioner second opinion before turning to these. Some are so harsh that they will end up affecting your gum and making the tooth sensitive and weak.

With the many methods of teeth whitening available online, choosing the right one calls for a clear understanding of your individual tooth type. You need to consult a dentist for recommendation on the right regime. As much as possible, avoid buying these agents over the counter as you might get the wrong ones; always seek a doctor's opinion and follow instructions to the later.

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