Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A List Of Qualities To Look For Before Buying The Sun Laboratories Body Polisher

By Haywood Hunter

As you are no doubt aware of, a smoothly tanned skin is worth a lot in a world where appearances often count for more than accomplishments. However, before buying the fist skin tanning lotion you find on the web before considering its effectiveness. The factors enumerated below will prove crucial for anyone looking to get the best out of the Sun Laboratories Body Polisher.

Before deciding if a product is worth buying, take a look at its ingredients or formulation first. This is very important as a product cannot be certified as effective and safe to use on all skin types unless the formula has been approved by dermatological experts. As a pointer, the more natural the formula used to manufacture a certain product is, the more commendable it is.

Even if your preferred product comes packaged full of all the goodness of nature, this can prove too little if the eventual tan is not convincing enough. While some products are sold off as fast acting, they may end up saddling you with a distinctly yellowish or orange tan. This is in stark contrast to the healthy bronze hue of tans passed as natural and safe by dermatological experts.

As you evaluate the veracity of different online reviews, look for details about the product's ease of application. If the product is a genuine Sun Labs skin tanner, this should come out easily as they are always formulated with an extra measure of dark pigmentation and are viscous enough to spread easily. As such, when applied on a pale skin, any mistakes can be corrected with ease.

While you may come across some exasperated reviewers bemoaning the fact that a Sun Laboratories tan often appears much darker than many users had anticipated, this is a baseless concern. As a matter of fact, the only purpose of the dark pigment is to make the application much easier. The coloration washes off easily if you take a shower immediately the tan has set in.

Quite understandably, many consumers evaluating reviews online are very concerned about how long the tan should last. Granted, a skin tan that only lasts a couple of days is not worth all the trouble and money you spend on it. Ideally, a good sun tanner should be sold with a guarantee that the effect will last at least a week especially if you exfoliate the skin a day prior to application.

It is likely that you will come across an online review or two lamenting some tanners which are known to leave the user with a lingering odor. This often results when you use a skin tanner with an unjustifiably high concentration of chemical tan inducers. The ones with a more balanced formulation are certain to leave the skin with a barely perceptible though nice natural scent.

Today it seems that getting a skin tanning lotion online is an easy process. However, you cannot trust the effectiveness and safety of every product without some guarantees. That is why the Sun Laboratories Body Polisher is way ahead of the competition.

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