Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Great Treatment For Dog Joint Pain You Need To Know About

By Geraldine Dimarco

Arthritis in dogs is a prevalent condition that happens to around a quarter of the dog population in the world. It is something that vets frequently have to address. Canine arthritis can range from osteoarthritis to hypertrophic arthritis to canine dysplasia; whatever type it is or whatever the reason of it they all have one common denominator-it all causes extreme discomfort for the dog.

Canine arthritis is usually caused by wear and tear, or the canine being too overweight-placing undue stress on the joints. In other cases, it can also be the result of defective breeding, a physical abnormality innate in the dog, or even an injury sustained in his legs. Often there are things you can do to prevent this but if you can't-there is a good treatment for dog joint pain that you can use to bring effective pain relief to your poor pet.

We know what joint pain feels like-well, at least for those who have, shall we say, accumulated more years in life. Overused joints, as well as cartilages result in stiffness and inflammation subsequently making movement painful for the arthritic human or canine. The sufferers are often prescribed with non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs to help treat this condition.

For the most part, these non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs are effective in treating arthritis. They, especially when used in conjuction with another beneficial supplement, impede the progression of the disease while inhibiting inflammation-this significantly decreases the pain suffered by your pet. You have to verify with a trusted vet as to what the dosage of the medication you are administering. He will have to consider the breed, age, weight, and particular health issues before he can determine the right amount to give.

You can also treat arthritis in dogs through more natural therapies and remedies. Chondroitin Sulphate and Glucosamine Sulphate are often used to aid in strengthening the joints and muscles of the canine. They also promote better mobility by increasing needed lubrication in the cartilages. Chondroitin Sulphate and Glucosamine Sulphate are known to be safe and should be taken together with a nutrient rich diet for optimal results.

One of the best food to serve your dog suffering from this condition are shellfish and fish oils. They are rich in fatty acids which greatly help with the effects of arthritis. You can also try natural herbs which detoxify your pet's system, as well as help heal damaged joints. Some of these useful herbs are alfalfa, yucca, and stinging nettles.

While it is integral that you provide healthy meals for your dog, you have to monitor his calorie intake. You have to keep his weight down, or at least maintain the most appropriate weight for him. Obesity and extreme sports eventually further worsen the condition of the canine's joints. Also ensure that your dog is regularly exercising. Walking, swimming and light jogging are great ways to exercise your pet.

Take regular visits to the vet. Make sure you have him examined every so often so any onset of disease will be stopped early on. Another great treatment for dog joint pain is massage. Take olive oil and gently massage away stress points in your dog's body. Enjoy your dog's best years today!

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